It would have been different - the possibilities were there for sure.
MUBARAK ! MUBARAK ! MAROL JAMAAT. You have become the nucleus where the worldwide mumineen, who will be gravitating, in the coming days. Hope and pray that you will be rising up to the occasion and the aspirations. Here is wishing you all the best.
As I reflect back on the past two months, sweet memories induce a trance like effect on my mind, and vivid scenes flood my memory. I had been planning meticulously to show case are State to the worldwide mumineen, who would have come. Good accommodation in out of the beaten track city areas, Chandernagore lights, mobile kathi roll vans and mishti doi outlets, are some of the few niche areas I had been working on. Every thing will have to wait, as of now.
There are no regret though. It had been a wonderful experience and I am deeply indebted to Janab Yunusbhai Saheb (DS) for providing the opportunity, to dream our dreams and also making it a possibility.
The power of our youth was evident, and there may be shortcomings and lapses in certain key areas, but as the final days approached. we all became 'ekjan' and this according to me is the singular achievement of mumineen of Kolkata.
It is but natural that after expectations had reached fever pitch, and the 'fasal mubarak' of MAROL on Jumoa night left many including our Janab Saheb teary eyed, emotions welled up in many a hearts, it was an obvious outcome.
Here is a comment from a young friend of mine :
'It was not us this time.Our hearts are indeed burdened. Of course burdened because our aspirations,imaginations are void now. Burdened with Void..what a strange feeling.After all its aala niyat. But I have just one hidayat to give "We see things as we think they are, Huzurala see's things as they will be in the future"!! Bhai Shabbir Z. Kohadawala - Former student of Don Bosco - Kolkata;Computer Application U.G. Christ College - Bangalore
December 10, 2009 7:55 PM
Similar feelings are being expressed by many of my young friends, many of whom have been reading and getting inspired by my blog post. One young I/T member told me that she got so tired after working at the E Jamaat verification task, one night. Her dad was observing her working late, and feeling tired. He came over, told her read one of my post, and this is what, she said : 'after reading your post I really got so energized and motivated'
So my young friends I know what all is going on in your minds. I am an old horse, who has faced many challenges in life. I have struggled hard, life has not been a cake walk for me. I have fallen flat many times, but each time I have bounced back, with more vigor and energy to take life head on.
AKHBAR IS ANWA'R - and the following episode from the glorious history of Islam, will surely provide a reassuring answer and solace, that what you have achieved by doing 'ohbat' is most praiseworthy. This is my way of saying THANK YOU FRIENDS.
Read on and you will soon realize that what transpires in life, we may not be able to understand at that particular time, but after many years, when we look back, the clear picture emerges. No good deed is in vain.
Now every one must be doing 'tilawat' of Surah - Al Fath (48) which opens with the ayah - 'Inna fat'hana lakal fath'al mubeena - Verily, We have given you (O Mohammad (S.A.) a manifest (clearly seen) victory. '
Now on reading this, what is your immediate thought. Is it not that Allah has granted his Rasul (SA) a victory in a decisive battle against munafekeens and after the victory, this Ayah may have been revealed ? Do you not think this Ayah may have been revealed after the Conquest of Makkah 8 A.H. ? Is it not so ? This is apparent.
But wait friends, you are in for a surprise ! The historical episode that happened is very very different, and in it a lesson is learnt, and by reflecting on it, many queries troubling you will be answered.
The Surah Al Fath was Revealed in Madinah in 6 A.H., not after a battle victory but after signing of the Al-Hudaibiyah Treaty at Thaniyatul Murar, with Quraish who succeeded in blocking the Muslims from reahing Ka'bah.
In short,the historical episode preceding the revelation of Surah Al Fath is as follows:
In the 6th Year of Al-Hijra in Madinah, Nabi (SA) had a dream that he had entered Makkah in security with his followers, and was performing Umrah.
In the month of Dhul Qadah at the head of 1400/1500 Muslims, carrying sheathed swords of travelers, as they had no intention to fight, he proceeded towards Makkah. When they reached Dhul-Hulaifah he ordered that the sacrificial animals be garlanded, and all of them entered into the state of Al-Ihram.
The Quraishites decided to resist the Prophets mission, at all cost and dispatched 200 horseman led by Khalid bin Al Walid. What followed was days of negotiations, as the Muslims were very clear, they had not come to fight.
Finally the Treaty of Al-Hudaibiyah was signed, under terms of which Nabi (SA) and the Muslims had to return back this time, and return next year, and they shall be allowed to stay in Makkah for three days only.
As expected the Muslims were grieved and many raised questions. When Nabi (SA) reached Madinah the Surah Al- Fath was revealed. It apparently seems to be a paradox, but it was this Treaty of Al-Hudaibiyah that finally led to Nabi (SA) marching triumphantly with a large Muslim army into Makkah in 8AH., and without bloodshed, the manifest victory over entire Arabia was achieved.
So friends this Akhbar may have given you the anwa'r (light) What is apparent to us, may not be real always. In the context of the above historical fact, now start reflecting, and I am confident that your many questions and doubts will be answered.
This ASHARA OHBAT has achieved much, it has energized and given focus to the community, it has changed 'mindsets'- it has removed 'cobwebs' of negative attitudes, it has bought into focus many more mumineen with talent and a desire to serve selflessly, it has achieved much much more - it is in truth a manifest victory for the Bohra Community of Kolkata - so rejoice my freinds and do not sulk !!
On this very optimistic note, I finally end my last post.
NOTE: I have a HOME PAGE and a BLOG where I try to put my thoughts and kinowledge to good use. If you have appreciated my post, you are welcome to Bookmark them, and whenever you get free time or inclination, you may log on it. Keep in touch. Personally for me it has been a wonderful spiritual experience. KHUDA HAIFZ
Friday, December 11, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
It is morning of Thursday 10th Dec: 2009 and with the worldwide mumineen and specially those in our city, still waiting anxiously for the 'fasal mubarak' I walk into the new masjid complex. Last night I am told youngsters had worked real hard, and after much effort managed to cart the heavy carpets to the ladies 'tutak' from ground floor storage.
I found Janab Amil Saheb supervising work, and Bhai Shabbir Kothari told me that last night Janab Saheb was there in the Masjid complex till 3.30 past midnight !! Stupendous 'ohbat' Words fail me to express my gratitude and appreciation.
I was fortunate to meet and interact with ABDUL HAFIZ BHAI who had flown in last night. He is is the head marble artisan from Makrana (Rajasthan) His family has been in the khidmat of constructing Roza Mubaraks, Masjid Kiblas. Abdul Hafiz bhai had stayed at Hutaib Mubarak for nearly 9 months and the Kubba Mubaraka of Syedna Hatim bin Syedna Ibrahim saheb (AQ) and the turbat mubarak, was completed under his supervision.
He was also blessed to work on the marble flooring inside the Zarih Mubarak of Imam Husain (SA) and narrated that in the cracks, that had developed near the 'kabre mubarak' of Moulana Ali Akber (SA) and Moulana Aliasgar (SA) he had seen blood droplets.
He was all praise for the construction and grandeur of our Masjid and the idyllic a location near large water body and surrounding scenery. You will feel proud to know that the design motif of our Masjid Kibla is taken from the design motif on the Zarih Mubarak of Imam Husain (SA) and according to Abdul Hafiz bhai, no other Kibla has such design motif. A singular honor for our Masjid.
I was privileged to see memorable pictures of Abdul Hafiz bhai with Aqa Moula (TUS) and Shazada sahebs, one was of his 'dakheli' touching the turbat mubaraka of Imam Husain (SA)
I was honored to meet him.

I requested Abdul Hafiz bhai was a photo op and he was kind to oblige me. The picture being held by Abdul Hafiz bhai is that of Muqaddas Moula Syedna Taher Saifuddin (RA) giving audience to Fateh Mohammad ( father of Abdul Hafiz bhai) who had supervised the construction of the Roza Mubaraka of Syedna Fakhruddin Saheed (AQ) and numerous other marble works.
I would be failing if I do not mention the sustained khidmat of Bhai Sahbbir Kothari. For past 2 years he has been a regular and works with gusto and enthusiasm.
As I conclude this post I have just received information that Insa Allah Aqa Moula (TUS) is likely to do 'fasal mubarak' tonight - Jumoa Night from Rozat Tahera.
Let us wait and keep praying.
I found Janab Amil Saheb supervising work, and Bhai Shabbir Kothari told me that last night Janab Saheb was there in the Masjid complex till 3.30 past midnight !! Stupendous 'ohbat' Words fail me to express my gratitude and appreciation.
I was fortunate to meet and interact with ABDUL HAFIZ BHAI who had flown in last night. He is is the head marble artisan from Makrana (Rajasthan) His family has been in the khidmat of constructing Roza Mubaraks, Masjid Kiblas. Abdul Hafiz bhai had stayed at Hutaib Mubarak for nearly 9 months and the Kubba Mubaraka of Syedna Hatim bin Syedna Ibrahim saheb (AQ) and the turbat mubarak, was completed under his supervision.
He was also blessed to work on the marble flooring inside the Zarih Mubarak of Imam Husain (SA) and narrated that in the cracks, that had developed near the 'kabre mubarak' of Moulana Ali Akber (SA) and Moulana Aliasgar (SA) he had seen blood droplets.
He was all praise for the construction and grandeur of our Masjid and the idyllic a location near large water body and surrounding scenery. You will feel proud to know that the design motif of our Masjid Kibla is taken from the design motif on the Zarih Mubarak of Imam Husain (SA) and according to Abdul Hafiz bhai, no other Kibla has such design motif. A singular honor for our Masjid.
I was privileged to see memorable pictures of Abdul Hafiz bhai with Aqa Moula (TUS) and Shazada sahebs, one was of his 'dakheli' touching the turbat mubaraka of Imam Husain (SA)
I was honored to meet him.
I requested Abdul Hafiz bhai was a photo op and he was kind to oblige me. The picture being held by Abdul Hafiz bhai is that of Muqaddas Moula Syedna Taher Saifuddin (RA) giving audience to Fateh Mohammad ( father of Abdul Hafiz bhai) who had supervised the construction of the Roza Mubaraka of Syedna Fakhruddin Saheed (AQ) and numerous other marble works.
I would be failing if I do not mention the sustained khidmat of Bhai Sahbbir Kothari. For past 2 years he has been a regular and works with gusto and enthusiasm.
As I conclude this post I have just received information that Insa Allah Aqa Moula (TUS) is likely to do 'fasal mubarak' tonight - Jumoa Night from Rozat Tahera.
Let us wait and keep praying.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
As we await the Fasal Mubaraka for Ashara 1431H

The setting sun on Ashura day will cast a crimson glow on the window frames of the Masjid, and the tear drop on the exquisite glass panels will radiate the emotions and the flowing tears of thousands assembled in the Masjid to witness the historic recitation of maqtal e Husain (SA) by Aqa Moula (TUS) Insa Allah.
The khidmat of these exquisite glass panels has been done by Sk: Fidahusainbhai Hasanali Rangoonwala and brothers (Rangoon Glass - Kolkata) The expertise and efforts put in by Bhai Firoz Hasanali Rangoonwala deserves special mention.
I am indebted to Bhai Murtaza Attari for translating my concept into a beautiful digital image in spite of time constrains.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Under the auspices of Burhain Womens Organisation, a mumina'at behno majlis on the auspicious occasion of Salgirah Day of muqaddasa Busaheba A'matullah Aaisaheba was held at the new masjid complex, for tilawat and tasabeeh. A hugh attendance was witnessed. The following Ilteja written by Bhen Bilkisbai Ujjainwala was recited.

(click on the image for bigger fonts)
Mumineen of Kolkata eagerly await the 'fasal mubarak'. Here is an interesting news item, which proves how Ilteja, Tilawat - Tasabeeh - and the most important of all the building of the MASJID is showing results. Excerpts from the News Report appearing in the Financial Express.
'One reason why Emirates has increased its flights could be that Dawoodi Bohra community's 99-year-old spiritual leader, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Saheb, may visit the city in the middle of December to inaugurate a mosque at Topsia. Around 15,000 disciples are expected to come here via air.'
To read the full report, click on the below link.

(click on the image for bigger fonts)
Mumineen of Kolkata eagerly await the 'fasal mubarak'. Here is an interesting news item, which proves how Ilteja, Tilawat - Tasabeeh - and the most important of all the building of the MASJID is showing results. Excerpts from the News Report appearing in the Financial Express.
'One reason why Emirates has increased its flights could be that Dawoodi Bohra community's 99-year-old spiritual leader, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Saheb, may visit the city in the middle of December to inaugurate a mosque at Topsia. Around 15,000 disciples are expected to come here via air.'
To read the full report, click on the below link.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
As expected the excitement is growing each day as the day of reckoning draws near. Our city is in Lane No1 - the first name read out by Aqa Moula (TUS) in the Eid ul Adha Majlis at Saifee Mahal, from the list of cities around the world doing OHBAT for Ashara Mubaraka 1431H. There are ten others and as Aqa Moula (TUS) farmayu ‘ sagla’e tayyari ghani kidhee chhe, agyar gaam chhe, ehno jawab devu ghanoo mushkil chhe’
So as we enter the fourth and the final lap, so to speak, there are ten others with us vying for the same honor, dreaming the same dream, and putting in there best efforts, each city gathering momentum as the Day of Reckoning draws near.
As we enter the final stages or to give a fitting simile, the last lap of our race to gain recognition as the city worthy of the honor, I look back and reflect. Every one will agree with me, that we have seen a miracle unfold. Never in the history of our community in this city, have we witnessed such strong bonding, such unity of purpose, such positive energy.
One name stands tall amongst the hundreds, who have dared to dream, and it is - we all know, that of our most respected and revered Amil Saheb Janab Yunusbhai Saheb (DS) He has galvanized the community as never before. I have been the new masjid complex ‘regular’ so to say, for the past 2 years, but in these last 35 days, the pace of development and progress has left me breathless.
In this post I salute all those who have put in their heart and soul in OHBAT. It has been a wonderful experience for all those who have come forward, and each one of you is a winner. You have proved a point that – when there is WILL there is a WAY.
I am simply amazed at the positive attitude of all the principal functionaries entrusted with specific Masjid Tameer Tasks. A few days back Janab Amil Saheb chaired the meeting of the core committee and gave them a deadline - 3rd December 2009. I happened to interact with few of the members to elicit their response and reaction, and every one I talked with was confident.
One example will suffice – Mulla Yakubbhai Johar who has been overseeing the entire woodwork job, from the very start, was so upbeat that he told me not to worry, he has set for his entire team 1st Dec: 2009 as the deadline. This is what I call a winner attitude, and this is what we need in the final stages.
The final stage is very crucial as in any race. While writing this post I checked on Usain Bolt’s record breaking 9.69 sec video and learnt that in order to run fast one has to learn to land on the forefoot and not on the heels. While running if you land on your heels, you are putting your body’s center of gravity behind you, which slows you down. Short strides gives you strength and balance.
Friends you must be wondering what has fast running to do with OHBAT. As you come to the end of the post, you will surely find out. The point I want to make is that there are techniques of doing the things right, and as it is crunch time, we all have to unite together and DO IT RIGHT.
Here the similarities of the race ends – for Ashara Ohbat we do not have to touch the tape, we have to touch the ‘kalbe muneer’ (the glowing heart) of our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS) wherein resides the spiritual splendor and latent potentiality of Imam uz Zaman (SA) in all its radiant glory.
We have been doing OHBAT and the reports are being sent in Hazrat Aliyah Imamiyah on regular basis.
I was telling you about techniques and this is one of them which I want to share with you all. I hope after being properly convinced about it, (log on to the links given to get a complete idea) you will try the experiment, and as for myself, I am convinced that if every one in our city does it with RIGHT ATTITUDE a miracle may unfold. Much has been achieved so far, because of the right attitude and positive thinking, we have to just make one more united effort, and I am sure it will be fireworks on the Day of Reckoning for our city.
It is called THE INTENTION EXPERIMENT a direct result of the Best Selling Book "The Power of Intention' by Lynne Mc Taggart.
The Intention Experiment is a series of scientifically controlled, web-based experiments testing the power of intention to change the physical world.Thousands of volunteers from 30 countries around the world have participated in Intention Experiments thus far.
Lynne Mc Taggart, architect of the experiments, is working with leading physicists and psychologists from the University of Arizona, Princeton University, the International Institute of Biophysics, Cambridge University and the Institute of Noetic Sciences.
These experiments are being run at McTaggart’s seminars and conferences and on the web, and have produced extraordinary results.
This is not about sending intentions to make a million dollars.
True, if you have logged on to the above link you may have been convinced that in this last few days, if every one of us channelize our intentions that yes our city will receive the sharaf of Ashara Mubaraka 1431 our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS) will surely bless our city and so forth, positive intentions will surely materialize into reality. Let us give it a try.
It was the Power of Intention of one person in the beginning Janab Amil Saheb that galvanized us all, and we have reached this far.
Log on to the video link of my Face Book friend Bhai Murtaza Badri and his cat walk on shredded glass pieces will doubly convince you of the Power Of Intention.
MSB EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE is holding Annual Sports Day 2009-10 at Rabindra Sarobar Stadium (opp: Menoka Cinema) on Sunday 6th Dec: 2009 (8 to 11 am) As it is on the very next day after Eid e Gadir e khum, the children and teachers have requested the Management for permission to end the Event with fire crackers, being fully positive that in this way, they will be celebrating the 'fasal mubarak' of Ashara 1431H in our city. This is what I call the RIGHT ATTITUDE
So friends if our city receives the 'sharaf' do join us at Rabindra Sarobar. I have been interacting a lot and believe me, it is not merely lip service, but with full conviction they tell me it will be our city surely this time.
I salute my fellow mumineen. I am honored and proud to be one amongst you.
LET US KEEP PRAYING AND DO TILAWAT AND MATAM in the few days that are left.
I am indebted to all my friends who have been reading my posts, have given me suggestions, have commented and given me words of encouragement. For me personally it has been an awakening experience. I wait in animated anticipation with thousands of fellow mumineen.
Friends you may enjoy listening to a beautiful Hamd rendering, which will help in evoking Positive Intentions
Type the following in Search and download.
Mujhay Rang De
Vocalist: Al-Haaj Muhammad Owais Raza Qadri
Hamd | Urdu | Duration: 00:07:17
Also read my post with pictures of the activity around the masjid site I witnessed on Sunday 29th Dec: 2009 - 5 days before the deadline. Way to go Freinds - we may be lagging behind others in crucial factors, but in Enthusiasm we are at the very top. No doubt about it.
So as we enter the fourth and the final lap, so to speak, there are ten others with us vying for the same honor, dreaming the same dream, and putting in there best efforts, each city gathering momentum as the Day of Reckoning draws near.
As we enter the final stages or to give a fitting simile, the last lap of our race to gain recognition as the city worthy of the honor, I look back and reflect. Every one will agree with me, that we have seen a miracle unfold. Never in the history of our community in this city, have we witnessed such strong bonding, such unity of purpose, such positive energy.
One name stands tall amongst the hundreds, who have dared to dream, and it is - we all know, that of our most respected and revered Amil Saheb Janab Yunusbhai Saheb (DS) He has galvanized the community as never before. I have been the new masjid complex ‘regular’ so to say, for the past 2 years, but in these last 35 days, the pace of development and progress has left me breathless.
In this post I salute all those who have put in their heart and soul in OHBAT. It has been a wonderful experience for all those who have come forward, and each one of you is a winner. You have proved a point that – when there is WILL there is a WAY.
I am simply amazed at the positive attitude of all the principal functionaries entrusted with specific Masjid Tameer Tasks. A few days back Janab Amil Saheb chaired the meeting of the core committee and gave them a deadline - 3rd December 2009. I happened to interact with few of the members to elicit their response and reaction, and every one I talked with was confident.
One example will suffice – Mulla Yakubbhai Johar who has been overseeing the entire woodwork job, from the very start, was so upbeat that he told me not to worry, he has set for his entire team 1st Dec: 2009 as the deadline. This is what I call a winner attitude, and this is what we need in the final stages.
The final stage is very crucial as in any race. While writing this post I checked on Usain Bolt’s record breaking 9.69 sec video and learnt that in order to run fast one has to learn to land on the forefoot and not on the heels. While running if you land on your heels, you are putting your body’s center of gravity behind you, which slows you down. Short strides gives you strength and balance.
Friends you must be wondering what has fast running to do with OHBAT. As you come to the end of the post, you will surely find out. The point I want to make is that there are techniques of doing the things right, and as it is crunch time, we all have to unite together and DO IT RIGHT.
Here the similarities of the race ends – for Ashara Ohbat we do not have to touch the tape, we have to touch the ‘kalbe muneer’ (the glowing heart) of our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS) wherein resides the spiritual splendor and latent potentiality of Imam uz Zaman (SA) in all its radiant glory.
We have been doing OHBAT and the reports are being sent in Hazrat Aliyah Imamiyah on regular basis.
I was telling you about techniques and this is one of them which I want to share with you all. I hope after being properly convinced about it, (log on to the links given to get a complete idea) you will try the experiment, and as for myself, I am convinced that if every one in our city does it with RIGHT ATTITUDE a miracle may unfold. Much has been achieved so far, because of the right attitude and positive thinking, we have to just make one more united effort, and I am sure it will be fireworks on the Day of Reckoning for our city.
It is called THE INTENTION EXPERIMENT a direct result of the Best Selling Book "The Power of Intention' by Lynne Mc Taggart.
The Intention Experiment is a series of scientifically controlled, web-based experiments testing the power of intention to change the physical world.Thousands of volunteers from 30 countries around the world have participated in Intention Experiments thus far.
Lynne Mc Taggart, architect of the experiments, is working with leading physicists and psychologists from the University of Arizona, Princeton University, the International Institute of Biophysics, Cambridge University and the Institute of Noetic Sciences.
These experiments are being run at McTaggart’s seminars and conferences and on the web, and have produced extraordinary results.
This is not about sending intentions to make a million dollars.
True, if you have logged on to the above link you may have been convinced that in this last few days, if every one of us channelize our intentions that yes our city will receive the sharaf of Ashara Mubaraka 1431 our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS) will surely bless our city and so forth, positive intentions will surely materialize into reality. Let us give it a try.
It was the Power of Intention of one person in the beginning Janab Amil Saheb that galvanized us all, and we have reached this far.
Log on to the video link of my Face Book friend Bhai Murtaza Badri and his cat walk on shredded glass pieces will doubly convince you of the Power Of Intention.
MSB EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE is holding Annual Sports Day 2009-10 at Rabindra Sarobar Stadium (opp: Menoka Cinema) on Sunday 6th Dec: 2009 (8 to 11 am) As it is on the very next day after Eid e Gadir e khum, the children and teachers have requested the Management for permission to end the Event with fire crackers, being fully positive that in this way, they will be celebrating the 'fasal mubarak' of Ashara 1431H in our city. This is what I call the RIGHT ATTITUDE
So friends if our city receives the 'sharaf' do join us at Rabindra Sarobar. I have been interacting a lot and believe me, it is not merely lip service, but with full conviction they tell me it will be our city surely this time.
I salute my fellow mumineen. I am honored and proud to be one amongst you.
LET US KEEP PRAYING AND DO TILAWAT AND MATAM in the few days that are left.
I am indebted to all my friends who have been reading my posts, have given me suggestions, have commented and given me words of encouragement. For me personally it has been an awakening experience. I wait in animated anticipation with thousands of fellow mumineen.
Friends you may enjoy listening to a beautiful Hamd rendering, which will help in evoking Positive Intentions
Type the following in Search and download.
Mujhay Rang De
Vocalist: Al-Haaj Muhammad Owais Raza Qadri
Hamd | Urdu | Duration: 00:07:17
Also read my post with pictures of the activity around the masjid site I witnessed on Sunday 29th Dec: 2009 - 5 days before the deadline. Way to go Freinds - we may be lagging behind others in crucial factors, but in Enthusiasm we are at the very top. No doubt about it.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Every committee in Calcutta is somehow busy with the Ashara Ohbat 1431. So with the Raza Mubarak of Janab Amil Saheb Younus Bhai Saheb, The Calcutta Zakereen have prepared a CD of new kalaam, which consists of Naseehat, Ilteja, Na'at, Salaam, Matami nouha and madeh.
The idea is that the proceeds of the CD will be forwarded towards the Calcutta New Masjid Tameer Fund. Each CD costs Rs. 110/-. Mumineen interested in purchasing the Cds can contact Huzefah Ujjainwala +919836181452. We request mumineen not to copy and rewrite the contents of the CD.
With Warm Regards
Huzefah Ujjainwala
The idea is that the proceeds of the CD will be forwarded towards the Calcutta New Masjid Tameer Fund. Each CD costs Rs. 110/-. Mumineen interested in purchasing the Cds can contact Huzefah Ujjainwala +919836181452. We request mumineen not to copy and rewrite the contents of the CD.
With Warm Regards
Huzefah Ujjainwala
Sunday, November 8, 2009
SUNDAY 8TH NOVEMBER 2009. I had a chance to have a view from the top and also from the haveli mubarak. Simply breathtaking !!

( My pic taken when the first piling work started, it has been an interesting personal journey since then - an inter play of rising hope at times and sinking feelings at other times, but all that now seems a distant dream, as I made my way to the top, to have a view.)

Friends, here is a CREATIVE CHALLENGE - a part of the on going OHBAT project, for those who have knowledge of 2D/3D animation and have been working with 3D Max and Maya software. Even if you do not have expertise, but know some of your non -bohri friends, you can 'outsource' Everything is being outsourced these days, it is much easier, in many respect !!
Herein below, are some of the pics taken of the beautiful water body, that can been seen from haveli mubarak. Insa Allah our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS) will have a 360 degree of the surrounding water body.
Now the challenge before you if to create a pic keeping the backgrounds of Science city, road etc: (if need be, you can take more pictures yourself) You can create boats rocking gently on the waters, or any beautiful scenery, or for that matter, glittering Chandernagore light decoration against night sky, let your imagination run wild, I am sure those who are interested in animations, will come up with, extraordinary images, because their efforts will be seeped with the love of our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS)
I will share your creativity on this BLOG. So get cracking my young talented friends.
The 3 animation pics are created by using 3D Max and Maya 3 software. I think the Ashara IT team will be very much interested, and the best picture may be printed in their proposed Welcome Booklet.

3D MAX and MAYA software used in the following animation pictures.

( My pic taken when the first piling work started, it has been an interesting personal journey since then - an inter play of rising hope at times and sinking feelings at other times, but all that now seems a distant dream, as I made my way to the top, to have a view.)
Friends, here is a CREATIVE CHALLENGE - a part of the on going OHBAT project, for those who have knowledge of 2D/3D animation and have been working with 3D Max and Maya software. Even if you do not have expertise, but know some of your non -bohri friends, you can 'outsource' Everything is being outsourced these days, it is much easier, in many respect !!
Herein below, are some of the pics taken of the beautiful water body, that can been seen from haveli mubarak. Insa Allah our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS) will have a 360 degree of the surrounding water body.
Now the challenge before you if to create a pic keeping the backgrounds of Science city, road etc: (if need be, you can take more pictures yourself) You can create boats rocking gently on the waters, or any beautiful scenery, or for that matter, glittering Chandernagore light decoration against night sky, let your imagination run wild, I am sure those who are interested in animations, will come up with, extraordinary images, because their efforts will be seeped with the love of our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS)
I will share your creativity on this BLOG. So get cracking my young talented friends.
The 3 animation pics are created by using 3D Max and Maya 3 software. I think the Ashara IT team will be very much interested, and the best picture may be printed in their proposed Welcome Booklet.
3D MAX and MAYA software used in the following animation pictures.

SUNDAY The 8th Nov: 2009 was another milestone reached in the ongoing OHBAT.
A darees majlis open to all mumineen, was organized by IZZY SCOUTS at the new Masjid complex and they had expected 600 -700 mumineen would attend.
They were in for a surprise, as more than double their expectation turned up, which goes to show the enthusiasm the on going ohbat has generated. Now you do not have to send requests, they come to the masjid complex in large numbers, just to be there.
Calcutta na mumineen 'ekjan' bani chuka Moula, aap Moula 'fasal' farmaviye Moula !!
Sharing the video clip :
Janab Yunusbhai Saheb rightly observed in the General Board Meeting of Anjuman E Burhani after the Darees, that Masjid construction has a much deeper meaning and much more significance. Not his exact words, but the essence ' Moula jano ne tayyar kari rahya chhe, nufoos ni imarat ne dekhva Moula tasreef lavse, masjid ghani shandaar bani chhe, magar Moula aa jano je tayyar thai rahya chhe, joi g'hana khoos thase.Insa Allah !!
An all out effort has to be made till 'fasal mubarak'. Once Ashara Mubara 1431H fasal is made for our city, Moula's yaari will bless us all, the farishtas in the khidmat of our Aqa Moula (TUS) will come to our city, and make our task easier.
Friends, it is time to make an all out effort now, just look at the widget, the days are flying past but Alhamdolilah ! I am amazed at the energy and enthusiasm of mumineen working relentlessly to realize the cherished dream.
A darees majlis open to all mumineen, was organized by IZZY SCOUTS at the new Masjid complex and they had expected 600 -700 mumineen would attend.
They were in for a surprise, as more than double their expectation turned up, which goes to show the enthusiasm the on going ohbat has generated. Now you do not have to send requests, they come to the masjid complex in large numbers, just to be there.
Calcutta na mumineen 'ekjan' bani chuka Moula, aap Moula 'fasal' farmaviye Moula !!
Sharing the video clip :
Janab Yunusbhai Saheb rightly observed in the General Board Meeting of Anjuman E Burhani after the Darees, that Masjid construction has a much deeper meaning and much more significance. Not his exact words, but the essence ' Moula jano ne tayyar kari rahya chhe, nufoos ni imarat ne dekhva Moula tasreef lavse, masjid ghani shandaar bani chhe, magar Moula aa jano je tayyar thai rahya chhe, joi g'hana khoos thase.Insa Allah !!
An all out effort has to be made till 'fasal mubarak'. Once Ashara Mubara 1431H fasal is made for our city, Moula's yaari will bless us all, the farishtas in the khidmat of our Aqa Moula (TUS) will come to our city, and make our task easier.
Friends, it is time to make an all out effort now, just look at the widget, the days are flying past but Alhamdolilah ! I am amazed at the energy and enthusiasm of mumineen working relentlessly to realize the cherished dream.
Friday, November 6, 2009
The need of the hour, I feel is Yaqeen translated into action.
OHBAT has reached such a stage that mere yaqeen will not suffice. I salute all those, who with yaqeen that 'YES WE CAN' at the same time, are also giving their time, expending their energy, sharing their expertise and most important, amongst them, are many noble souls, who are sharing their wealth. They are sharing because thy are 'caring'
Our community, at this critical juncture, needs 'awakened souls' who have been blessed with wealth. This wealth according to them, is not only as a result of their business acumen or hard work, but according to them largely on account of the Doa Mubarak and 'nazarat e rahima' of Aqa Moula (TUS)
Many of them have confided, that in the past years, as a result of Aqa Moula's frequent visits to their homes and shops, that they have been blessed with abundance and enjoying prosperity. It was on account of the efforts and magnanimity of our respected elders, in the near past, resulting in Aqa Moula's visits to this city.
We to this day remember those noble mumineen, who thought of the welfare of the entire community. They rose in stature and life, and with them, they helped many in earning abundance and better lifestyle and wealth.
These well do to class, in the past have been traveling with their families for Ashara Mubaraka to places like Houston, Dubai Mombasa etc: to receive the barakat, and also spend quality time, visiting tourist attractions and shopping.
With the ongoing OHBAT in our city I feel, this time it is different.
Many amongst them are coming forward to share their wealth, so that their fellow mumineen, who have not been able to partake of the barakats, can be blessed, and their lives change for the better, in all respects. They have come forward willingly to be catalysts, knowing their wealth will not diminish, but by their sharing of wealth, they will be able to usher in change for the better, for the entire community.
It is A'mals (our actions) by which Moula Ali (SA) will recognize each mumin and munafiq, at the time when our souls bid fare well of our earthly bodies.
Today is Saturday and each week on Saturdays I recite the Abaya't sharifa - 'ya Haris e Hamdana... (saneechar no divas Moulana Ali (SA) par masal chhe - my reason for recitation) So in the context of this post, I request you to click on the video link below :
Mumineen, we will be recognized by Moula Ali (SA) by our a'mals. Our a'mals towards the tameer of Masjid and our ohbat for Ashara Mubaraka 1431H will be recognized, this is our yaqeen. So for our own good and better 'akherat' we should make the best use of this opportunity.
We are preparing to invite mumineen from around the world. Each city and country has its uniqueness, and it is our duty to showcase it, so that when they return, they go back with fond memories.
Bengal has been a land of 'awakened souls' and one of the great figure amongst them is the Nobel Laureate Rabidnranath Tagore. Today I am feeling very spiritual, and here I share with you a beautiful poem of his from Rabindra Rachnavali.
This poem illustrates aptly the feelings and aspirations of many amongst us, who are doing OHBAT.
'Time after time I came to your gate with raised hands,
asking for more and yet more.
You gave and gave, now in slow measure, now in sudden excess.
I took some, and some things I let drop; some lay heavy on my hands;
some I made into playthings and broke them when tired;
till the wrecks and the hoard of your gifts grew immense, hiding You
and the ceaseless expectation wore my hear out.
Take, oh take has now become my cry
Shatter all from this beggar's bowl: put out this lamp of the importunate watcher:
hold my hands, raise me from the still gathering heap of your gifts
into the bare infinity of your uncrowded presence.
Friends, do you need proof of this. Look around and you will find, many living proof amongst us. Many have experienced and spoken thus or in similar vein : "Moula ye mari taraf ehvi meethi nazar thee joyu, ke itlee bheer na ba-vazood emaj ehsas thayo ke mara Moula chhe ane mein, aa manzar hazi bhee mari ankhon samne taja chhe'
Even as you close your eyes contemplate and make decisive niyat to share for the common good of the community, you will feel the radiating spirituality of the uncrowded presence of Aqa Moula (TUS)
JUST GIVE IT A TRY -do share your experience.
OHBAT has reached such a stage that mere yaqeen will not suffice. I salute all those, who with yaqeen that 'YES WE CAN' at the same time, are also giving their time, expending their energy, sharing their expertise and most important, amongst them, are many noble souls, who are sharing their wealth. They are sharing because thy are 'caring'
Our community, at this critical juncture, needs 'awakened souls' who have been blessed with wealth. This wealth according to them, is not only as a result of their business acumen or hard work, but according to them largely on account of the Doa Mubarak and 'nazarat e rahima' of Aqa Moula (TUS)
Many of them have confided, that in the past years, as a result of Aqa Moula's frequent visits to their homes and shops, that they have been blessed with abundance and enjoying prosperity. It was on account of the efforts and magnanimity of our respected elders, in the near past, resulting in Aqa Moula's visits to this city.
We to this day remember those noble mumineen, who thought of the welfare of the entire community. They rose in stature and life, and with them, they helped many in earning abundance and better lifestyle and wealth.
These well do to class, in the past have been traveling with their families for Ashara Mubaraka to places like Houston, Dubai Mombasa etc: to receive the barakat, and also spend quality time, visiting tourist attractions and shopping.
With the ongoing OHBAT in our city I feel, this time it is different.
Many amongst them are coming forward to share their wealth, so that their fellow mumineen, who have not been able to partake of the barakats, can be blessed, and their lives change for the better, in all respects. They have come forward willingly to be catalysts, knowing their wealth will not diminish, but by their sharing of wealth, they will be able to usher in change for the better, for the entire community.
It is A'mals (our actions) by which Moula Ali (SA) will recognize each mumin and munafiq, at the time when our souls bid fare well of our earthly bodies.
Today is Saturday and each week on Saturdays I recite the Abaya't sharifa - 'ya Haris e Hamdana... (saneechar no divas Moulana Ali (SA) par masal chhe - my reason for recitation) So in the context of this post, I request you to click on the video link below :
Mumineen, we will be recognized by Moula Ali (SA) by our a'mals. Our a'mals towards the tameer of Masjid and our ohbat for Ashara Mubaraka 1431H will be recognized, this is our yaqeen. So for our own good and better 'akherat' we should make the best use of this opportunity.
We are preparing to invite mumineen from around the world. Each city and country has its uniqueness, and it is our duty to showcase it, so that when they return, they go back with fond memories.
Bengal has been a land of 'awakened souls' and one of the great figure amongst them is the Nobel Laureate Rabidnranath Tagore. Today I am feeling very spiritual, and here I share with you a beautiful poem of his from Rabindra Rachnavali.
This poem illustrates aptly the feelings and aspirations of many amongst us, who are doing OHBAT.
'Time after time I came to your gate with raised hands,
asking for more and yet more.
You gave and gave, now in slow measure, now in sudden excess.
I took some, and some things I let drop; some lay heavy on my hands;
some I made into playthings and broke them when tired;
till the wrecks and the hoard of your gifts grew immense, hiding You
and the ceaseless expectation wore my hear out.
Take, oh take has now become my cry
Shatter all from this beggar's bowl: put out this lamp of the importunate watcher:
hold my hands, raise me from the still gathering heap of your gifts
into the bare infinity of your uncrowded presence.
Friends, do you need proof of this. Look around and you will find, many living proof amongst us. Many have experienced and spoken thus or in similar vein : "Moula ye mari taraf ehvi meethi nazar thee joyu, ke itlee bheer na ba-vazood emaj ehsas thayo ke mara Moula chhe ane mein, aa manzar hazi bhee mari ankhon samne taja chhe'
Even as you close your eyes contemplate and make decisive niyat to share for the common good of the community, you will feel the radiating spirituality of the uncrowded presence of Aqa Moula (TUS)
JUST GIVE IT A TRY -do share your experience.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
YAQEEN is powerhouse of action. The word yaqeen in arabic spells
positivity wrapped into it methodically. Belief or faith in English
for the word yaqeen cannot stand the test of the same level and
stature.That is what the ohbat of Ashara in Calcutta means.
Yes, the young and energetic faithfuls of the community are brought
together as a force under the umbrella of yaqeen by Amil Saheb Yunus
Bhai Saheb.Surely , if somebody conceives in his mind how a miracle
can get underway to unfold he is welcome to watch faithfuls of yaqeen
doing it. It shall certainly convert a part time yaqeen-keeper to a
full-time one.
At New masjid complex site one shall witness everything which is
stand-still moving. The band of faithfuls of yaqeen are working
overtime to move everything,be it iron bars or wooden slabs, tiles or
sanitary wares,stones or bricks, electric wires or cables, pipes of
pvc or rubber, girders of iron or sheets of plastics,rubbish of wood
or iron, bags of sand or cement,tools and implements of carpenter or
mason and plumber.
Hundreds of hands of such faithfuls of yaqeen shall
be seen as if they are in a relay race doing transfer or shifting
aforesaid merchandise in a way only a yaqeen-keeper can feel and say.
Hats off to them and their master who have moulded them into a
piratical yaqeen-keeper of full time.
May Aqa Maula T.U.S.'s barakaat be showered on their yaqeen.
Abd-e-Syedna (T.U.S.)
Mohammed Mulla Saifuddin Rangoonwala,Calcutta
positivity wrapped into it methodically. Belief or faith in English
for the word yaqeen cannot stand the test of the same level and
stature.That is what the ohbat of Ashara in Calcutta means.
Yes, the young and energetic faithfuls of the community are brought
together as a force under the umbrella of yaqeen by Amil Saheb Yunus
Bhai Saheb.Surely , if somebody conceives in his mind how a miracle
can get underway to unfold he is welcome to watch faithfuls of yaqeen
doing it. It shall certainly convert a part time yaqeen-keeper to a
full-time one.
At New masjid complex site one shall witness everything which is
stand-still moving. The band of faithfuls of yaqeen are working
overtime to move everything,be it iron bars or wooden slabs, tiles or
sanitary wares,stones or bricks, electric wires or cables, pipes of
pvc or rubber, girders of iron or sheets of plastics,rubbish of wood
or iron, bags of sand or cement,tools and implements of carpenter or
mason and plumber.
Hundreds of hands of such faithfuls of yaqeen shall
be seen as if they are in a relay race doing transfer or shifting
aforesaid merchandise in a way only a yaqeen-keeper can feel and say.
Hats off to them and their master who have moulded them into a
piratical yaqeen-keeper of full time.
May Aqa Maula T.U.S.'s barakaat be showered on their yaqeen.
Abd-e-Syedna (T.U.S.)
Mohammed Mulla Saifuddin Rangoonwala,Calcutta
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
ALHAMDOLILLAH !! It is just ten days, and so much has been achieved - ask those mumineens, who have returned from the historic 'KUN' safar with Aqa MOULA (TUS) They cannot believe what they are witnessing on their return.
I present to you a PHOTO ESSAY by my dear friend Bhai Abdulkader Kagalwala. It will give you and idea of how fast pace the construction work is progressing. There are 30 days left, and witnessing what has been achieved in the last 10 days, to me it seems a long time.
If we all work as 'ekjan' the 'im' of impossible, will surely be biting dust. Let us JUST DO IT.
Ground leveling work has also been started at the MAWAID site, so Mawaid Team and specially members of HIZB E HUSAINI brace your self up, your a'amal karva ni jameen (karm bhoomi) is being readied.

The collages bring out the intensity of activities by mumineen. Bhai Abdulkader is a wild life photographer and enthusiast and protecting the Tiger is a passion with him. I hope and prayer that after Ashara Vaaz Mubarak, he gets an opportunity to organize a Sunderban excursion, where his majestic tigers roam in all glory.
I have created a Google Group titled 'OHBAT' under Society section. Friends are requested to join the group. I have published a spontaneous Ilteja in Hazrat Aliyah Imammiyah. Click on the link below
I present to you a PHOTO ESSAY by my dear friend Bhai Abdulkader Kagalwala. It will give you and idea of how fast pace the construction work is progressing. There are 30 days left, and witnessing what has been achieved in the last 10 days, to me it seems a long time.
If we all work as 'ekjan' the 'im' of impossible, will surely be biting dust. Let us JUST DO IT.
Ground leveling work has also been started at the MAWAID site, so Mawaid Team and specially members of HIZB E HUSAINI brace your self up, your a'amal karva ni jameen (karm bhoomi) is being readied.

The collages bring out the intensity of activities by mumineen. Bhai Abdulkader is a wild life photographer and enthusiast and protecting the Tiger is a passion with him. I hope and prayer that after Ashara Vaaz Mubarak, he gets an opportunity to organize a Sunderban excursion, where his majestic tigers roam in all glory.
I have created a Google Group titled 'OHBAT' under Society section. Friends are requested to join the group. I have published a spontaneous Ilteja in Hazrat Aliyah Imammiyah. Click on the link below
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Each year for the past three decades, come Eid e Gadir e khum, mumineen the world over, and in particular, we mumineen of Kolkata, wait with eager anticipation, for the fasal Mubarak of Ashara Mubaraka for that particular year.
For the past 30 years and more, we mumineen are more concerned with booking of Air/Rail tickets , at earliest opportunity, some even manage to book reservations for two or three cities or a different country, where they anticipate Ashara Mubaraka will be held, in that particular year. We in Kolkata have all these 30 long yers been busy speculating on which city or country will get the sharaf and barakat of Ashara Mubaraka.
However, this year it has to be different. Believe me friends, it is different. With the ongoing ohbat, the intensity of purpose, reflected in the daily hectic schedule of Janab Amil Saheb Yunusbhai Saheb (DS), who has single handedly, managed to enthuse the community, specially youngsters, the question I ask now is – how many of you are now thinking otherwise ?
Each day positive developments are being witnessed, the fence sitters are fast coming round into the mainstream. Each day, we witness new enthusiastic young faces, coming forward, to put their heart and mind, wealth and expertise to make the ‘moment’ happen. Bhai Qaid Mandasurwala of K K Jwellers, is a recent case in point.
A quote from my Face Book :
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. In order to create those moments, we have to be focused and work hard. That is precisely what the mumineen of Kolkata are doing. Hope we are blessed with those moments, that will take away our breath, but give us a blissful eternal life.
Yes, in order to have this blessed ‘moment’, which will for ever enrich our lives, and that of our generations to come, we have to be focused, we all have to work hard. I salute the dedication of the core Masjid Tameer Committee, who have all these past 2 years overcome many obstacles.
This post has a meaningful purpose. I request my young friends to forward it to all those whom you know, so that more and more can be motivated. As I only have a few mail i/d's in my mailing list, forwarding this post will greatly help.
The numerical 40 has a great significance in our belief system. Click on the link provided by Mulla Husainbhai Kheriwala.
Friends 9th Zilkad – Tuesday 27th October , is the first day of the 40th DAY – 41stis Eid e Gadir e khum. So as you read this post, reflect on it intensely, close your eyes for a few moments, and think how you will make this ‘moment’ happen. How you will be contributing.
The best way is to be at the Masjid Tameer site often, spend some quality time there. Janab Amil Saheb and the core tameer committee members will be there, each day to guide you. Make self assessment of your actions, based on your niyat. On the 40th Day you will be surprised to find, how much you have achieved.
It is theorized that once a critical mass number (it is 40 I suppose according to our belief system ) is reached, the same behavior shows up in all other members of the same group/ species. It seems to be true , that once the critical mass is reached, all members begin to think and act in a certain way, so does all other members of that group.
The invisible connection between all members of a group/species is more verifiable now than it was a few years ago.
Scientists report that when atoms within a molecule align in a certain way and a critical mass number is reached, the rest of the atoms spontaneously, line up the same way. (Ref: Nick Herbert’s ‘ Quantum Reality’ F. Capra’s ‘ The Tao of Physics – Lewis Thomas’s ‘ The lives of Cells’ are a few books, that establish the connection between – the principles of physics and a ‘collective consciousness’
‘ek jan banvu’ as being repeatedly emphasized by Janab Amil Saheb
Fortunately I have been reflecting on this a lot, and now I can say with confidence, that magical critical mass, has been reached – I am a witness to it.
I was invited to attend the first meeting of Aya’n ul Jamaat at Badri Hall during Sehrullah, and since than what a tremendous progress has been made. It is all solely because of the doa mubarak and ‘nazarat e rahima’ of our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS), the zeal and single minded dedication of Janab Amil Saheb, his family members and all the dedicated mumineen, who are confident that – yes they will sacrifice to achieve this blessed ‘moment’
I am indebted to and Bhai Khoj Badami – Pune for placing the widget showing that time, is fast ticking away, and now is the time for action and also the digital image photograph.
Friends, you are free to share your aspirations and actions on my blog. I know many are hesitant to write in, you may call me up and share your thoughts.
Monday, October 12, 2009

Mumineeen of our city are doing ohbat for Ashara Mubarak 1431H and we need all section of the society to make a very concerted effort. It is indeed heartening to note, that by and large there is a very positive energy being felt. In spite of odds, the general feeling is that, this time around we can make it happen.
All resources and talents are needed, as Janab Amil Saheb rightly points out 'ek jan thai ne koshis karvi padse' Tolaba -ul - kulliyat under its auspices, is holding matam majlis each jumoa night at Saifee Masjid I am posting an ilteja by Bhai Muffadalbhai Neemuchwala - all such noble and spiritual deeds, like tilawat of Quran, and Doa, recitation of Ya Sayedus Shodaee etc: are an integral part of Ashara ohbat, is what I personally feel. I have no issues with those who say they are more practical,and one should understand the ground realities. I respect their views also, but true yearning and spirituality, has the power to change ground realities.
Har ankhon mein hai Ansoo Har Lab pe Doa Zahra
Burhanedi'en Maula Ho Ab Jalwanuma'n Zahra
Deedar ko muddat se mumin ye tarastey hai
Kyoon deir hai amad mein ho maa'f khata Zahra
Maula ki Qadambosi Me'raaj hai mumin ki
Aur Khak-e-Qadam Unki hai khak-e-Shifa Zahra
Ho takht-e -nashein Maula ees masjid-e-saifee mein
AurZikr-e-Husainy se Mehshar ho bapaa Zahra
Woh Din bhi mayassar ho Shabbir ki Turbat par
mumin ko liye hamraah ho mehve buka Zahra
Bas ye hi tamanna hai ees adna Mufaddal ki
Ees shahar mein ab Maula ho Jalwanuma Zahra.
I am indebted to Bhai Mohammad Rangoonwala for transliteration and he has rendered this ilteja in the matam majlis. I have been to Rampura and Ujjain and now I am on way to Ahmedabad, yearning and pleading - 'Ees shahar mein ab Maula ho jalwanuma Zahra' Fully focused single minded pursuit.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Ohbat by members of BRC
The niyat of the ziyarat trip to Rampura and Ujjain by members of BRC was part of the ohbat for Ashara 1431H started in earnest in Sehrullah by mumineen of Kolkata under the sadart of Janab Yunusbhai Saheb Zainuddin (DS) We wished and prayed for 'kun' and are eagerly awaiting 'fayakun' when Aqa Moula (TUS) does fasal mubarak that Ashara Mubaraka 1431H will be in our city. For me personally it was a journey of continuous pleading with a single minded purpose each time I did ziyarat.
Here I share with you about the wonderful experience we had at Barod on our way from Rampura to Ujjain. The hospitality of household of Anajwala family who served us lunch at short notice, within 1 hr - 15 of us were served piping hot lunch, which moved us all.
As we prayed our Jumoa namaz at the masjid, the lunch was made ready to our utter surprise and amazement. How wonderful to have mumineen at far flung places, bent on taking care of wary travelers, because of common bond, that is love and affection of Aqa Moula (TUS)

Here I share with you about the wonderful experience we had at Barod on our way from Rampura to Ujjain. The hospitality of household of Anajwala family who served us lunch at short notice, within 1 hr - 15 of us were served piping hot lunch, which moved us all.
As we prayed our Jumoa namaz at the masjid, the lunch was made ready to our utter surprise and amazement. How wonderful to have mumineen at far flung places, bent on taking care of wary travelers, because of common bond, that is love and affection of Aqa Moula (TUS)

Friday, September 25, 2009

our city is famous for innovative pandal makers, and their art and expertise can be used by our community to recreate exclusive enclosed spaces having Fatemi architecture and elegance. The mawaid, the reception area, the temporary accomodation tents, can all be constructed in Fatemi style by our city artisans.
Our city is also famous of its light decoration and the town of Chandernagore has a vast pool of talent for decorative lights. One name stands out and that is of Mr. Sridhar Das who has frequently traveled to US and other countries with his decorative synchronized light creations, simply breath taking and marvelous. I have personally seen his magic decorative light works.
His artistry and talent can be utilized for creating a a boat/ ship used in the armada of Imam Moiz (SA) I had read about it, and hope in the Dawat archive there may detail discription of the armada, from which a model can be created, to be placed in the lake area in front of the haveli mubarak, so that each night, when lighted up, Aqa Moula (TUS) can see the beautiful spectacle from his room.
It is widely known that the light-makers for the Durga puja are from Chandernagore. What is less known is the manner in which this craft has grown into an industry. Sridhar Das set up shop 50 years ago when he was only 17. Today, his SD Electrical Company employs 200 workers who create magic on bamboo strips. His success has prompted 200 other companies to engage in similar crafts, employing around 12,000 artisans. (from a Telegraph Report)
So our community can utilize such talents to recreate a totally Fatemi ambiance during Ashara Mubarak, so that all those who are fortunate to attend can go back with vivid memories of the city and the enthusiasm and creativity of city.
So these are the few ideas I share before traveling to Rampura and Ujjain for ziyarat, with friends, where we will be specially seeking that the aspirations and prayers, the long cherished dream is realized.
Friday, September 18, 2009

Calligraphy by : Mulla Moiz Husainbhai Nagpurwala.
Having a Moula like we mumineen are so fortunate and blessed to have , it is but natural that we all will have the sentiments , as expressed above that may ALLAH sacrifice me on my Moula.
After many long years of waiting and pining, the mumineen of Kolkata for the first time are witnessing a dream turning into reality. The ‘ohbat’ started in real earnest during Sehrullah has raised hopes and different core committees are meeting regularly and finalizing reports to be submitted to Shazada sahebs, for evaluation - the first step. This is just the beginning of a long journey.
The enthusiasm of youngsters is very evident in their group discussions and club meetings, every one is trying and eyeing for a niche khidmat. I happened to have a quick glance at the ‘ohbat’ forms filled by my young friends, and found many wanting to do ‘masjid tanzeem khidmat’ and all other khidmats , that would ensure, that they are not far removed from their Moula’s presence. Every one wants to be near and around him, who will not want to be.
But friends let us introspect on the subject of ‘khidmat’ and I will share with you a few examples of what real ‘khidmat ‘ of our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS) is , in the context of Ashara Vaaz and other miqaats, when thousands gather from different parts of the world and if we are fortunate to get a chance of a life time, what is expected from us by Janab Amil Saheb and the Steering Committee, overseeing and in charge of the arrangements.
Serving Aqa Moula’s mehman is serving Aqa Moula (TUS). Let this be very clear at the onset. If you are entrusted with any form of khidmat ,say at the Airport or at the Railway Station, overseeing toilet hygiene, doing number of unassuming services, for the comfort and the well being of the mehmans, you will be said to be truly serving your beloved Aqa Moula (TUS)
There are a number of examples, but I will just narrate a few. This incident has been narrated by Bhai Zoeb Rangoonwala of Shabbir Volunteers, who were entrusted with overseeing the arrangements of VIP Dinner to be hosted at Mahalaxmi (Mumbai) on the occasion of the 80th Milad Mubarak of Aqa Moula (TUS) As the voulunteers were laying the tables and seeing to the arrangement, they found that a dirty chocked nulla, (ditch)was coming in the way of the arrangement, and time was running out.
As they were discussing how best to tackle the issue , they approached Shz: Abbasbhai Saheb who happened to be there. He immediately came near the chocked nulla (ditch) and without much ado, rolled up his sleeves, went down in to the nulla and started removing the dirt. He led by example, and in no time others joined in the effort and the task was accomplished. Now this is ‘khidmat’ which earns you nearness, in the real sense.
I have been blessed with performing various khidmats since late seven tees, when Aqa Moula (TUS) used to bless our city, every few years. I fondly recall the day when in my enthusiasm of escorting Aqa Moula(TUS) to Saifee Masjid in a procession from Pollock Street, played the Base Drum of the Newly formed Burhani Scouts, with such gusto, that the drum skin broke, on its very first maiden outing. There are a host of fond memories.
However, the incident that I witnessed at Badri Mahal Masjid after Ashara vaaz in Mumbai was an eye opener. All khidmatguzars had assembled for kadambosi sharaf. As usual after one and half hour or so, when many were still left, patience became a premium, cordons were broken and there was a mad rush towards Aqa Moula ‘s betakh.
In the mad scramble I somehow managed to do kadambosi, and as I was being pushed back along with an elderly bhai who had somehow managed to do kadambosi like me, to his surprise Aqa Moula (TUS) loudly called out pointing to him, ‘bhai ne bulavo’ He was immediately ushered into Aqa Moula’s presence, he did kadambosi again, and in spite of the mad scramble all around I saw Aqa Moula (TUS) smiling benignly at him and asking what khidmat he did, to which he replied with folded hands ‘ Moula mari VT Station upar harroj duty hati.’
So Moula knows, what others know not. This bhai had volunteered sincerely through out Muharram vaaz attending to the needs of passengers alighting daily, and he was thus rewarded. His khidmat was appreciated, he was singled out amongst hundreds of others.
Volunteers , specially those doing duty as escorts of Kasrea’li sahebs will do well to remember the glorious episode from our Dawat history. I would just narrate it in short. It pertains to Syedna Qutbuddin as - saheed (AQ) who worked un tirelessly throughout the evening, overseeing the arrangements for dinner to be hosted by his father Syedna Dawwod bin Qutubshah Burhanuddin saheb (28th Dai) Before dinner time Syedna Qutbuddin Moula, quietly left for his house, the reason, he had not been invited , a lapse on the part of the person entrusted to send out invitation.
When Syedna Dawood came to know of the absence of his illustrious son, he immediately sent his emissary, and Syedna Qutbuddin Moula came to the ziyafat.
I had done escort duty in the past, and it is much desired that one should not loiter around the gate of the household hosting ziyafat, as limited persons are invited, and seeing the escorts standing late into the night, makes the host very uncomfortable. The best thing is to move out, not to make your presence obvious, and when it is time for the guests to depart, to return back to your duty.
I hope to share more thoughts on the subject in near future. Insa Allah.
The Ashara ohbat has started showing results. I strongly feel, that when the pursuit of the goal is in earnest, the results are evident. For the first time Burhani Volunteers, who have been serving the community and have been rendering excellent khidmat on different miqa'ats, specially khidmat each year at Rozat Tahera during Urs Mubarak, have been called to render khidmat as follows, a singular blessing, and an achievement, for which we all are proud and feel blessed.
Two members of Burhani Volunteers, namely Sk: Hasanbhai Maimoon and Mulla Saifuddin Faizullabhoy will be traveling to Najf and Karbala Shareef by this month end to render khidmat in Hazrat Aliyah Imamiyah. Mubarak ! Mubarak !
Another 10 members will be leaving by the middle of Oct: '09 and will be staying for 2 months rendering khidmat for hujjaj kiram during Haj. A singular blessing. Hope the khidmats by the dedicated members of Burhani Volunteers, who will have the chance to offer prayers and serve, will surely bring our Aqa Moula (TUS) to our beloved city.
This then is a very positive development, immediately after Sehrullah. One step nearer to the goal being pursued.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Surprised at the subject of the blog. Read on and you will comprehend. Being Sunday after Laylatul Qdr, feeling relaxed and radiant after having been blessed with a memorable Laylatul Qdr, one of the best, as mumineen worldwide got the ‘sharaf’ of deedar ibadat during the night of Qdr.
I would like to share my thoughts with friends. During vasila Aqa Moula (TUS) farmayu ke mamluk e A’le Muhammad nasibdaar chhe, ke mane tamara jeva mumineen mila chhe. (not the exact words but explicit implication)
Now this set me thinking : Because of us Moula ? Now how to find it out? Do I deserve to be the one ? One thought led to another and in the end I came to the conclusion that yes I will surely deserve if I capitalize on the opportunity, that has presented itself to us – the mumineen of Kolkata, for the first time in many years.
I should involve myself fully in Ashara Ohbat 1431H, I should not wait to be called but volunteer. I have already registered a blog and published the first post, without any one telling me to do so. I have been ‘talking ohbat’ all these days, and Sherullah provides a good opportunity to meet mumineen daily, to share to interact.
Here is an example. The other day we in the ‘thal’ were discussing about accommodation. I pointed out that some one should approach Punjab Biraderee, who have land adjacent of the Masjid complex, presently construction work has stopped on account of internal problem. Immediately Bhai Noman V (now he is not in any committee as yet, nor myself) said that he knows the President of PB and I suggested, yes he should talk with him.
Two days later he gave us the news, that the President is willing to consider the proposal, for temporary use of the land on terms, if a formal offer is made. The information was passed to Mulla Saifuddinbhai F who is in the core team of Ashara Ohbat, and also our thal member. Now it is up to the core committee to take up the matter.
In this way individuals, specially youngsters can do the ground work, take the initiative and pass on the information, which they feel may be useful.
Herein below are a few of my suggestions. Out of the box ideas but worth a try.
First and foremost our presence should be felt in the city – that we the Bohras are up to something. For starters simple jumpers like those worn by construction site workers, should be distributed to enthusiastic youngsters with the emblem ‘ Ashara Ohabat 1431H – Kolkata one for ACCOMMODATION the other for TRANSPORT. Those with bikes can form into groups, demarcate the city and try to find out the best and reasonable accommodations available. Talk with local guys and you will be surprised, as to the wealth of information that be thus gathered.
Now just pass it on to the core committee members, and you have done your khidmat well. Now it is up to them to work on the ‘lead’ you have provided.
Our city has a large network of public transport. A group of enthusiastic youngsters, with TRANSPORT jumpers can gather at the Park Circus round about in the morning between 7.30 to 9 (the approx: time most are likely to make their way to Masjid) and study the traffic pattern, the number of public buses, autos etc: plying, the capacity, the public buses are plying full or half empty etc: Just observation, data collection and passing on the information, to the core committee.
Many will approach you and you can start talking with many, and a wealth of information can be gathered. Likewise approach Bus terminus – the main one at Esplanade and Howrah, and find out the timings of buses going through EM Bypass.
Whacky ideas at time bring in surprsing result – and it is fun also.
During Sherullah I had the opportunity to attend two ohbat meetings, under the sadarat of Janab Amil Saheb. The first one was that of ‘Ay’an ul Jamaat’ and to be invited in that meeting was a surprise for me. The second one was an eye opener of sorts, when at short notice, youngsters numbering more than 300 gathered at Badri Hall. When I was walking back home, a very short distance from Badri Hall, I found a group of young ladies waiting for public transport at around 12 pm when the meeting got over.
This speaks volumes of the enthusiasm of the youngsters, the longing and expectations of the youth , who are seeing an opportunity of a life time, and will go all out to see that it is not missed this time. They have grown up, have traveled to other cities and attended Ashara vaaz and other mika’ts, but they have not played host, now they want to see their beloved Aqa Moula (TUS) grace their city, they want to serve, test their talents and put in hard work, to earn the khusi of their beloved Aqa Moula (TUS)
This positive energy and zeal has to be channelized properly. The other day I was talking with my young friend Muffadal F who with his group had distributed accommodation forms to around 140 households, in our Taheri Mohalla. He told me only 40 Forms till date have been received. It is a learning experience for the youngsters, we have to reach out, we have to go again and again, no matter, it is in their interest, but it is also in our interest, that only when all the Forms are received, we will be able to file a report. Pursue, cajole, help them in getting the e-jamaat numbers of the family members, if possible.
I did a random test of the khidmat forms received, and from 14 e mail I/D’ s I found out that 4 were discontinued or have ‘no account’ so it is along road ahead. Puja Holidays is the best time to concentrate on the task in hand.
To conclude I will just share with you the comments on my Face Book to prove how deep the yearning is among youngsters for Aqa Moula (TUS) to grace our city.
My very young and talented friend Moiz Tundawala wrote on the Face Book:
'mashki wala saheb hawe kiware mashki lai ne tashreef lawse'
So moving full of deep yearning, to which I replied as follows:
Asgar Fakhrudin :
Laylatul Qdr ni mubarak raat ma baland niyat ane ikhlas na saath apne sagla ne 'ekjaan' bani ilteza karvi padse - Insa allah jaroor tashreef lavse
Fri at 8:35pm
'ekjaan' bani khidmat karvu is the expectation of our Janab Amil Saheb from all of us. He had emphasized this point repeatedly on all he meetings. Just attending meetings and deliberations will not suffice, each and every one has to GET MOVIN' and that to fast, as time is running out.
Friends till things fall into place, you can use this blog to interact and share your ideas, your dreams, your commitments.
I would like to share my thoughts with friends. During vasila Aqa Moula (TUS) farmayu ke mamluk e A’le Muhammad nasibdaar chhe, ke mane tamara jeva mumineen mila chhe. (not the exact words but explicit implication)
Now this set me thinking : Because of us Moula ? Now how to find it out? Do I deserve to be the one ? One thought led to another and in the end I came to the conclusion that yes I will surely deserve if I capitalize on the opportunity, that has presented itself to us – the mumineen of Kolkata, for the first time in many years.
I should involve myself fully in Ashara Ohbat 1431H, I should not wait to be called but volunteer. I have already registered a blog and published the first post, without any one telling me to do so. I have been ‘talking ohbat’ all these days, and Sherullah provides a good opportunity to meet mumineen daily, to share to interact.
Here is an example. The other day we in the ‘thal’ were discussing about accommodation. I pointed out that some one should approach Punjab Biraderee, who have land adjacent of the Masjid complex, presently construction work has stopped on account of internal problem. Immediately Bhai Noman V (now he is not in any committee as yet, nor myself) said that he knows the President of PB and I suggested, yes he should talk with him.
Two days later he gave us the news, that the President is willing to consider the proposal, for temporary use of the land on terms, if a formal offer is made. The information was passed to Mulla Saifuddinbhai F who is in the core team of Ashara Ohbat, and also our thal member. Now it is up to the core committee to take up the matter.
In this way individuals, specially youngsters can do the ground work, take the initiative and pass on the information, which they feel may be useful.
Herein below are a few of my suggestions. Out of the box ideas but worth a try.
First and foremost our presence should be felt in the city – that we the Bohras are up to something. For starters simple jumpers like those worn by construction site workers, should be distributed to enthusiastic youngsters with the emblem ‘ Ashara Ohabat 1431H – Kolkata one for ACCOMMODATION the other for TRANSPORT. Those with bikes can form into groups, demarcate the city and try to find out the best and reasonable accommodations available. Talk with local guys and you will be surprised, as to the wealth of information that be thus gathered.
Now just pass it on to the core committee members, and you have done your khidmat well. Now it is up to them to work on the ‘lead’ you have provided.
Our city has a large network of public transport. A group of enthusiastic youngsters, with TRANSPORT jumpers can gather at the Park Circus round about in the morning between 7.30 to 9 (the approx: time most are likely to make their way to Masjid) and study the traffic pattern, the number of public buses, autos etc: plying, the capacity, the public buses are plying full or half empty etc: Just observation, data collection and passing on the information, to the core committee.
Many will approach you and you can start talking with many, and a wealth of information can be gathered. Likewise approach Bus terminus – the main one at Esplanade and Howrah, and find out the timings of buses going through EM Bypass.
Whacky ideas at time bring in surprsing result – and it is fun also.
During Sherullah I had the opportunity to attend two ohbat meetings, under the sadarat of Janab Amil Saheb. The first one was that of ‘Ay’an ul Jamaat’ and to be invited in that meeting was a surprise for me. The second one was an eye opener of sorts, when at short notice, youngsters numbering more than 300 gathered at Badri Hall. When I was walking back home, a very short distance from Badri Hall, I found a group of young ladies waiting for public transport at around 12 pm when the meeting got over.
This speaks volumes of the enthusiasm of the youngsters, the longing and expectations of the youth , who are seeing an opportunity of a life time, and will go all out to see that it is not missed this time. They have grown up, have traveled to other cities and attended Ashara vaaz and other mika’ts, but they have not played host, now they want to see their beloved Aqa Moula (TUS) grace their city, they want to serve, test their talents and put in hard work, to earn the khusi of their beloved Aqa Moula (TUS)
This positive energy and zeal has to be channelized properly. The other day I was talking with my young friend Muffadal F who with his group had distributed accommodation forms to around 140 households, in our Taheri Mohalla. He told me only 40 Forms till date have been received. It is a learning experience for the youngsters, we have to reach out, we have to go again and again, no matter, it is in their interest, but it is also in our interest, that only when all the Forms are received, we will be able to file a report. Pursue, cajole, help them in getting the e-jamaat numbers of the family members, if possible.
I did a random test of the khidmat forms received, and from 14 e mail I/D’ s I found out that 4 were discontinued or have ‘no account’ so it is along road ahead. Puja Holidays is the best time to concentrate on the task in hand.
To conclude I will just share with you the comments on my Face Book to prove how deep the yearning is among youngsters for Aqa Moula (TUS) to grace our city.
My very young and talented friend Moiz Tundawala wrote on the Face Book:
'mashki wala saheb hawe kiware mashki lai ne tashreef lawse'
So moving full of deep yearning, to which I replied as follows:
Asgar Fakhrudin :
Laylatul Qdr ni mubarak raat ma baland niyat ane ikhlas na saath apne sagla ne 'ekjaan' bani ilteza karvi padse - Insa allah jaroor tashreef lavse
Fri at 8:35pm
'ekjaan' bani khidmat karvu is the expectation of our Janab Amil Saheb from all of us. He had emphasized this point repeatedly on all he meetings. Just attending meetings and deliberations will not suffice, each and every one has to GET MOVIN' and that to fast, as time is running out.
Friends till things fall into place, you can use this blog to interact and share your ideas, your dreams, your commitments.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

In all humility I start this blog on 21st Sehrullah 1431 H after being witness to a very concerted effort for the first time by Kolkata Jamaat, under the sadarat of Janab Yunusbhai Saheb (DM)It has been 21 long years of waiting and pining.
The new Masjid complex is fast nearing completion, and the task ahead is indeed challenging, but for a change I feel that all strata of the community, for once after many years are feeling that YES THIS TIME IT CAN BE DONE
One can easily feel the positive under currents and Janab Amil Saheb has set the momentum with single minded determination, which is fast percolating amidst ayan ul Jamat, various committees and mumineen in general.
During the course of Vaaz on 19th Shadat of Moulana Ali (SA) his most inner thoughts, his feelings and his determination found expression in the following words, uttered repeatedly with flowing tears - 'MOULA !! aapne aavuj parse
Moula you have to come Moula you have to come !!
NOTE: This Blog is my personal quest, my way of doing a small khidmat. I will be sharing my observations and feelings and would like others to share their efforts and their aspirations. Let the journey begin till OHBAT turns into reality and long cherished dreams are finally realized.
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