( My pic taken when the first piling work started, it has been an interesting personal journey since then - an inter play of rising hope at times and sinking feelings at other times, but all that now seems a distant dream, as I made my way to the top, to have a view.)
Friends, here is a CREATIVE CHALLENGE - a part of the on going OHBAT project, for those who have knowledge of 2D/3D animation and have been working with 3D Max and Maya software. Even if you do not have expertise, but know some of your non -bohri friends, you can 'outsource' Everything is being outsourced these days, it is much easier, in many respect !!
Herein below, are some of the pics taken of the beautiful water body, that can been seen from haveli mubarak. Insa Allah our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS) will have a 360 degree of the surrounding water body.
Now the challenge before you if to create a pic keeping the backgrounds of Science city, road etc: (if need be, you can take more pictures yourself) You can create boats rocking gently on the waters, or any beautiful scenery, or for that matter, glittering Chandernagore light decoration against night sky, let your imagination run wild, I am sure those who are interested in animations, will come up with, extraordinary images, because their efforts will be seeped with the love of our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS)
I will share your creativity on this BLOG. So get cracking my young talented friends.
The 3 animation pics are created by using 3D Max and Maya 3 software. I think the Ashara IT team will be very much interested, and the best picture may be printed in their proposed Welcome Booklet.
3D MAX and MAYA software used in the following animation pictures.

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