Sunday, November 8, 2009


SUNDAY The 8th Nov: 2009 was another milestone reached in the ongoing OHBAT.
A darees majlis open to all mumineen, was organized by IZZY SCOUTS at the new Masjid complex and they had expected 600 -700 mumineen would attend.

They were in for a surprise, as more than double their expectation turned up, which goes to show the enthusiasm the on going ohbat has generated. Now you do not have to send requests, they come to the masjid complex in large numbers, just to be there.

Calcutta na mumineen 'ekjan' bani chuka Moula, aap Moula 'fasal' farmaviye Moula !!

Sharing the video clip :

Janab Yunusbhai Saheb rightly observed in the General Board Meeting of Anjuman E Burhani after the Darees, that Masjid construction has a much deeper meaning and much more significance. Not his exact words, but the essence ' Moula jano ne tayyar kari rahya chhe, nufoos ni imarat ne dekhva Moula tasreef lavse, masjid ghani shandaar bani chhe, magar Moula aa jano je tayyar thai rahya chhe, joi g'hana khoos thase.Insa Allah !!

An all out effort has to be made till 'fasal mubarak'. Once Ashara Mubara 1431H fasal is made for our city, Moula's yaari will bless us all, the farishtas in the khidmat of our Aqa Moula (TUS) will come to our city, and make our task easier.

Friends, it is time to make an all out effort now, just look at the widget, the days are flying past but Alhamdolilah ! I am amazed at the energy and enthusiasm of mumineen working relentlessly to realize the cherished dream.


  1. We; Ezzy Scouts; had expected around 800 mumineen. But we were really surprised at the overwhelming response of more than 1500 mumineen turning up for the darees and doing purjosh ma'tam of Imam Hussain just on one niyyat ke Moula aa saal Ashara Mubaraka ni majlis Calcutta ma aqd farmaave

  2. AlQuran Says: Wa man Aradal Akherata Wa Saa' laha Saa'yaha Fahova mumenoon Olayeka kana Sa'yohum Mashkoora.

    What better Iraada for Akherat can there be than fervently hoping Aqa Maula T.U.S. to fulfill our wishes for Ashara Mubaraka in our City of Calcutta in 1431 H.! What better Sa'ye can there be than Matam-e-Husain !!Oh, of course what better Imaan can there be than to long for Aqa Maula's Tashreef Aavri !!! . May our sa'ye be mashkoor and may our efforts bear the fruit !!!! Because now for us Calcuttans We see Aqa Maula in our eyes "jalwaafroz" in our great City!!!!!
