As expected the excitement is growing each day as the day of reckoning draws near. Our city is in Lane No1 - the first name read out by Aqa Moula (TUS) in the Eid ul Adha Majlis at Saifee Mahal, from the list of cities around the world doing OHBAT for Ashara Mubaraka 1431H. There are ten others and as Aqa Moula (TUS)
farmayu ‘ sagla’e tayyari ghani kidhee chhe, agyar gaam chhe, ehno jawab devu ghanoo mushkil chhe’So as we enter the fourth and the final lap, so to speak, there are ten others with us vying for the same honor, dreaming the same dream, and putting in there best efforts, each city gathering momentum as the Day of Reckoning draws near.
As we enter the final stages or to give a fitting simile, the last lap of our race to gain recognition as the city worthy of the honor, I look back and reflect. Every one will agree with me, that we have seen a miracle unfold. Never in the history of our community in this city, have we witnessed such strong bonding, such unity of purpose, such positive energy.
One name stands tall amongst the hundreds, who have dared to dream, and it is - we all know, that of our most respected and revered
Amil Saheb Janab Yunusbhai Saheb (DS) He has galvanized the community as never before. I have been the new masjid complex ‘regular’ so to say, for the past 2 years, but in these last 35 days, the pace of development and progress has left me breathless.
In this post I salute all those who have put in their heart and soul in OHBAT. It has been a wonderful experience for all those who have come forward, and each one of you is a winner. You have proved a point that – when there is WILL there is a WAY.
I am simply amazed at the positive attitude of all the principal functionaries entrusted with specific Masjid Tameer Tasks. A few days back Janab Amil Saheb chaired the meeting of the core committee and gave them a deadline - 3rd December 2009. I happened to interact with few of the members to elicit their response and reaction, and every one I talked with was confident.
One example will suffice – Mulla Yakubbhai Johar who has been overseeing the entire woodwork job, from the very start, was so upbeat that he told me not to worry, he has set for his entire team 1st Dec: 2009 as the deadline. This is what I call a winner attitude, and this is what we need in the final stages.
The final stage is very crucial as in any race. While writing this post I checked on Usain Bolt’s record breaking 9.69 sec video and learnt that in order to run fast one has to learn to land on the forefoot and not on the heels. While running if you land on your heels, you are putting your body’s center of gravity behind you, which slows you down. Short strides gives you strength and balance.
Friends you must be wondering what has fast running to do with OHBAT. As you come to the end of the post, you will surely find out. The point I want to make is that there are techniques of doing the things right, and as it is crunch time, we all have to unite together and
DO IT RIGHT. Here the similarities of the race ends – for Ashara Ohbat we do not have to touch the tape, we have to touch the
‘kalbe muneer’ (the glowing heart) of our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS) wherein resides the spiritual splendor and latent potentiality of Imam uz Zaman (SA) in all its radiant glory.
We have been doing OHBAT and the reports are being sent in Hazrat Aliyah Imamiyah on regular basis.
I was telling you about techniques and this is one of them which I want to share with you all. I hope after being properly convinced about it, (log on to the links given to get a complete idea) you will try the experiment, and as for myself, I am convinced that if every one in our city does it with RIGHT ATTITUDE a miracle may unfold. Much has been achieved so far, because of the right attitude and positive thinking, we have to just make one more united effort, and I am sure it will be fireworks on the Day of Reckoning for our city.
It is called THE INTENTION EXPERIMENT a direct result of the Best Selling Book "The Power of Intention' by Lynne Mc Taggart.
The Intention Experiment is a series of scientifically controlled, web-based experiments testing the power of intention to change the physical world.Thousands of volunteers from 30 countries around the world have participated in Intention Experiments thus far.
Lynne Mc Taggart, architect of the experiments, is working with leading physicists and psychologists from the University of Arizona, Princeton University, the International Institute of Biophysics, Cambridge University and the Institute of Noetic Sciences.
These experiments are being run at McTaggart’s seminars and conferences and on the web, and have produced extraordinary results.
This is not about sending intentions to make a million dollars.
True, if you have logged on to the above link you may have been convinced that in this last few days, if every one of us channelize our intentions that yes our city will receive the sharaf of Ashara Mubaraka 1431 our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS) will surely bless our city and so forth, positive intentions will surely materialize into reality. Let us give it a try.
It was the Power of Intention of one person in the beginning Janab Amil Saheb that galvanized us all, and we have reached this far.
Log on to the video link of my Face Book friend Bhai Murtaza Badri and his cat walk on shredded glass pieces will doubly convince you of the Power Of Intention.
MSB EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE is holding Annual Sports Day 2009-10 at Rabindra Sarobar Stadium (opp: Menoka Cinema) on Sunday 6th Dec: 2009 (8 to 11 am) As it is on the very next day after Eid e Gadir e khum, the children and teachers have requested the Management for permission to end the Event with fire crackers, being fully positive that in this way, they will be celebrating the 'fasal mubarak' of Ashara 1431H in our city. This is what I call the RIGHT ATTITUDE
So friends if our city receives the 'sharaf' do join us at Rabindra Sarobar. I have been interacting a lot and believe me, it is not merely lip service, but with full conviction they tell me it will be our city surely this time.
I salute my fellow mumineen. I am honored and proud to be one amongst you.
LET US KEEP PRAYING AND DO TILAWAT AND MATAM in the few days that are left.
I am indebted to all my friends who have been reading my posts, have given me suggestions, have commented and given me words of encouragement. For me personally it has been an awakening experience. I wait in animated anticipation with thousands of fellow mumineen.
Friends you may enjoy listening to a beautiful Hamd rendering, which will help in evoking Positive Intentions Type the following in Search and download.
Mujhay Rang De Vocalist: Al-Haaj Muhammad Owais Raza Qadri
Hamd | Urdu | Duration: 00:07:17
Also read my post with pictures of the activity around the masjid site I witnessed on Sunday 29th Dec: 2009 - 5 days before the deadline. Way to go Freinds - we may be lagging behind others in crucial factors, but in Enthusiasm we are at the very top. No doubt about it.