Calligraphy by : Mulla Moiz Husainbhai Nagpurwala.
Having a Moula like we mumineen are so fortunate and blessed to have , it is but natural that we all will have the sentiments , as expressed above that may ALLAH sacrifice me on my Moula.
After many long years of waiting and pining, the mumineen of Kolkata for the first time are witnessing a dream turning into reality. The ‘ohbat’ started in real earnest during Sehrullah has raised hopes and different core committees are meeting regularly and finalizing reports to be submitted to Shazada sahebs, for evaluation - the first step. This is just the beginning of a long journey.
The enthusiasm of youngsters is very evident in their group discussions and club meetings, every one is trying and eyeing for a niche khidmat. I happened to have a quick glance at the ‘ohbat’ forms filled by my young friends, and found many wanting to do ‘masjid tanzeem khidmat’ and all other khidmats , that would ensure, that they are not far removed from their Moula’s presence. Every one wants to be near and around him, who will not want to be.
But friends let us introspect on the subject of ‘khidmat’ and I will share with you a few examples of what real ‘khidmat ‘ of our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS) is , in the context of Ashara Vaaz and other miqaats, when thousands gather from different parts of the world and if we are fortunate to get a chance of a life time, what is expected from us by Janab Amil Saheb and the Steering Committee, overseeing and in charge of the arrangements.
Serving Aqa Moula’s mehman is serving Aqa Moula (TUS). Let this be very clear at the onset. If you are entrusted with any form of khidmat ,say at the Airport or at the Railway Station, overseeing toilet hygiene, doing number of unassuming services, for the comfort and the well being of the mehmans, you will be said to be truly serving your beloved Aqa Moula (TUS)
There are a number of examples, but I will just narrate a few. This incident has been narrated by Bhai Zoeb Rangoonwala of Shabbir Volunteers, who were entrusted with overseeing the arrangements of VIP Dinner to be hosted at Mahalaxmi (Mumbai) on the occasion of the 80th Milad Mubarak of Aqa Moula (TUS) As the voulunteers were laying the tables and seeing to the arrangement, they found that a dirty chocked nulla, (ditch)was coming in the way of the arrangement, and time was running out.
As they were discussing how best to tackle the issue , they approached Shz: Abbasbhai Saheb who happened to be there. He immediately came near the chocked nulla (ditch) and without much ado, rolled up his sleeves, went down in to the nulla and started removing the dirt. He led by example, and in no time others joined in the effort and the task was accomplished. Now this is ‘khidmat’ which earns you nearness, in the real sense.
I have been blessed with performing various khidmats since late seven tees, when Aqa Moula (TUS) used to bless our city, every few years. I fondly recall the day when in my enthusiasm of escorting Aqa Moula(TUS) to Saifee Masjid in a procession from Pollock Street, played the Base Drum of the Newly formed Burhani Scouts, with such gusto, that the drum skin broke, on its very first maiden outing. There are a host of fond memories.
However, the incident that I witnessed at Badri Mahal Masjid after Ashara vaaz in Mumbai was an eye opener. All khidmatguzars had assembled for kadambosi sharaf. As usual after one and half hour or so, when many were still left, patience became a premium, cordons were broken and there was a mad rush towards Aqa Moula ‘s betakh.
In the mad scramble I somehow managed to do kadambosi, and as I was being pushed back along with an elderly bhai who had somehow managed to do kadambosi like me, to his surprise Aqa Moula (TUS) loudly called out pointing to him, ‘bhai ne bulavo’ He was immediately ushered into Aqa Moula’s presence, he did kadambosi again, and in spite of the mad scramble all around I saw Aqa Moula (TUS) smiling benignly at him and asking what khidmat he did, to which he replied with folded hands ‘ Moula mari VT Station upar harroj duty hati.’
So Moula knows, what others know not. This bhai had volunteered sincerely through out Muharram vaaz attending to the needs of passengers alighting daily, and he was thus rewarded. His khidmat was appreciated, he was singled out amongst hundreds of others.
Volunteers , specially those doing duty as escorts of Kasrea’li sahebs will do well to remember the glorious episode from our Dawat history. I would just narrate it in short. It pertains to Syedna Qutbuddin as - saheed (AQ) who worked un tirelessly throughout the evening, overseeing the arrangements for dinner to be hosted by his father Syedna Dawwod bin Qutubshah Burhanuddin saheb (28th Dai) Before dinner time Syedna Qutbuddin Moula, quietly left for his house, the reason, he had not been invited , a lapse on the part of the person entrusted to send out invitation.
When Syedna Dawood came to know of the absence of his illustrious son, he immediately sent his emissary, and Syedna Qutbuddin Moula came to the ziyafat.
I had done escort duty in the past, and it is much desired that one should not loiter around the gate of the household hosting ziyafat, as limited persons are invited, and seeing the escorts standing late into the night, makes the host very uncomfortable. The best thing is to move out, not to make your presence obvious, and when it is time for the guests to depart, to return back to your duty.
I hope to share more thoughts on the subject in near future. Insa Allah.
The Ashara ohbat has started showing results. I strongly feel, that when the pursuit of the goal is in earnest, the results are evident. For the first time Burhani Volunteers, who have been serving the community and have been rendering excellent khidmat on different miqa'ats, specially khidmat each year at Rozat Tahera during Urs Mubarak, have been called to render khidmat as follows, a singular blessing, and an achievement, for which we all are proud and feel blessed.
Two members of Burhani Volunteers, namely Sk: Hasanbhai Maimoon and Mulla Saifuddin Faizullabhoy will be traveling to Najf and Karbala Shareef by this month end to render khidmat in Hazrat Aliyah Imamiyah. Mubarak ! Mubarak !
Another 10 members will be leaving by the middle of Oct: '09 and will be staying for 2 months rendering khidmat for hujjaj kiram during Haj. A singular blessing. Hope the khidmats by the dedicated members of Burhani Volunteers, who will have the chance to offer prayers and serve, will surely bring our Aqa Moula (TUS) to our beloved city.
This then is a very positive development, immediately after Sehrullah. One step nearer to the goal being pursued.